Determine your master talent in life
This is your main life talent in your Kabbalah, with which you can more easily accomplish your life's tasks -
once it has come to fruition.
Please enter your date of birth individually and with leading 0 (1st cell: 0, 2nd cell: 6 = 6th, or August = 1st cell: 0 2nd cell 8).
d/d/m/m/y/y/y/y e.g. 31.07.1957
Please, enter your date of birth
The meaning
Clicking on the card corresponding to the number opens a brief description. There is much more for you, of course, as a part of the Major Image Reading.
(Paths 0, 1 and 2 cannot be talents!)
© The tarot cards were painted by Ciro Marchetti - Thank you very much for the kind release!